Updating account information
How can I update my information?
Keeping Your SMART DUCT AC SYSTEMS Account Up To Date
In a world where change is constant, keeping your account information current is
crucial for a seamless service experience. At SMART DUCT AC SYSTEMS we’ve made updating your account details a straightforward process, so you can ensure that all your information stays accurate and up-to-date. Whether it’s a new phone number or change of address, here’s how you can quickly update your account information on SMART DUCT AC SYSTEMS.
Simple Steps to Update Your Account Information:
1. Access Your Profile:
Go to your profile by tapping on the profile icon or your name at the top of the app's homepage.
2. Select ‘Account Settings’:
In your profile, find and select 'Edit Profile’ option for your personal details and 'Addresses' to edit the address details.
3. Update Your Information:
You can now edit various details such as your name, contact number, email address & address details.
Make the necessary changes to your account information as required.
4. Save the Changes:
After making your edits, ensure to save the changes. Look for a ‘Save’, ‘Update’, or similar button and tap it.
Why It’s Important to Keep Your Account Updated:
Accurate Service Delivery: Updated address and contact information ensure that our services are delivered efficiently to the right location.
Seamless Communication: Up-to-date contact details mean we can keep you informed about your bookings and our latest offers.
Secure Account: Regularly updating your details, especially passwords, adds an extra layer of security to your account.